Group Project
Information Architecture
Usability Testing
Optimal Workshop
Feb 2022 - March 2022
Our team conducted interviews with six users who are presently using maintenance services at their building in Chicago to gain insight into their thoughts and feelings about their current maintenance process.
1. Entry access and privacy concerns.
2. Inconsistent quality of work.
3. Limited availity of maintenance staff.
4. Maintenance delayed or slow response.
5. Inadequate repairs or temporary fixes.
Our team identified two groups of stakeholders: residents and workers, and made a persona for each.
The usability tests were conducted with 10 individuals in a moderated setting. I asked each interviewee to perform the same 6 tasks and categorized their performance. The first round of usability tests was Treejack Testing, and the second round was First Click Testing. Our team created iterations of the sitemap based on test results. The final version is the one that had the highest navigational success.
Original Categories
(6 Categories)
Identify Content Inventory: Free Listing
(6 Categories/31 Cards)
Testing with Users: Card Sorting
(10 Participants/31 Cards)
Modify Content Inventory
(4 Categories/Define 6 Tasks)
Testing with Users: Treejack Testing
(10 Participants/Success Rate: 73%)
Testing with Users: First Click Testing
(10 Participants/Success Rate: 78%)
Final Categories
(4 Categories/Action-Oriented)
After two rounds user testing, we discovered three potential opportunities to improve the design.
1. Change Make an Appointment: From card sort data, “make an appointment” and ”task status“ categories get mixed, so we revise appointments as an individual label.
2. Revise Find Maintenance Pros: After searching service type, the users can find maintenance pros, which “Find maintenance pros” in main navigation will be redundant.
3. Make Action-Oriented Navigation: Action-oriented categories provide clear direction to users about what they can do on a website or application, users are more likely to find what they are looking for and take desired actions.
.Search Service Type
.Schedule an Appointment
.Schedule an Appointment